Upper secondary specialised schools are schools which provide general education at upper secondary level. They offer preparation for tertiary level professional education in specific occupational fields at colleges of higher education (upper secondary specialised school programme) and universities of applied sciences (specialised Baccalaureate programme). They represent an alternative to a Federal Vocational Baccalaureate or Baccalaureate by providing school-based preparation for tertiary level professional education , oriented towards a particular occupational field.
Upper secondary specialised schools must be recognised by the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK). The recognition is based on the Regulations on the Recognition of Certificates from Upper Secondary Specialised Schools and on various guidelines issued by the EDK. There are upper secondary specialised schools in 22 cantons. They are mostly operated by the cantons; in addition, there are also private providers of upper secondary specialised schools.
Enrolment at an upper secondary specialised school occurs after compulsory education (at the age of 15). The admission requirements are regulated by each canton. Entrance examination and/or admission interviews can be conducted. Admission can also be granted without examination. The programme leads to a Swiss-wide recognised upper secondary specialised school certificate. This qualification enables admission to colleges of higher education in the studied occupational field.
Upper secondary specialised schools provide extensive general education and profession-specific basic knowledge and skills about a particular occupational field. They offer preparation for colleges of higher education (upper secondary specialised school programme) and universities of applied sciences (specialised Baccalaureate programme), primarily in the following occupational fields:
health care
social work
communication and information
design and art
music and theatre
applied psychology
Most upper secondary specialised schools do not cover all occupational fields. In most cantons, they mainly provide preparation for the occupational fields of health care, social work and education.
Learning content at the upper secondary specialised schools is based on the core curriculum for upper secondary specialised schools from the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK). The core curriculum grants schools the possibility to consider cantonal or local requirements and to develop a particular school-specific profile.
The completion and presentation of an independent essay and several practical trainings are compulsory parts of the programme.
The general educational comprises
first national language (language of schooling), second national language, third language (third national language or English)
mathematics, natural sciences and computer science
mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics, computer science
humanities and social sciences
history and geography, economics and law, psychology, philosophy and sociology
arts subjects
visual design and arts, music and theater
In most cases, international foreign language certificates can be obtained, or corresponding preparatory courses can be attended. In various schools, a bilingual upper secondary specialised school certificate can be obtained.
Subjects relating to specific occupational fields
The students choose one or two occupational fields and attend elective subjects relating to the chosen occupational field. Occupational oriented teaching begins in grade 2.
The cantons regulate the assessment of students. On the basis of the learning objectives, the teacher determines what the students must achieve and is responsible for the assessment. Performance is assessed by means of a grade scale of 1 to 6 (6 = best grade, 4 = sufficient, below 4 = insufficient). At the end of a semester or school year, a graded report is issued, which is decisive regarding transition to the next grade. Learning reports are seldom used. Work attitude and motivation can be included in the assessment.
The programme ends with a final examination. At least six subjects are tested, of which at least one, but no more than two subjects must be related to specific occupational fields. Depending on the subject, the examination is either oral, written, or both written and oral. The Regulations on the Recognition of Certificates from Upper Secondary Specialised Schools regulate the norms for obtaining the Swiss recognized upper secondary specialised school certificate.
Adults can complete a upper secondary specialised school programme or a specialised Baccalaureate programme at a recognised full-time or part-time school for adults.
The specialised Baccalaureate programme is a one-year additional course after a 3-year upper secondary specialised school programme, and leads to a Swiss-wide recognised Specialised Baccalaureate. The Specialised Baccalaureate enables direct admission to specific studies at universities of applied sciences in the studied occupational field.
According to the choice of studies, the enrolment to a university of applied sciences may require an aptitude assessment. The Specialised Baccalaureate in the occupational field ”educational science” entitles to direct admission to studies for pre-school and primary school-level teachers at a university of teacher education. Holders of a specialised Baccalaureate who have passed a supplementary examination are also admitted to universities.
In order to obtain the Specialised Baccalaureate, a one-year course with additional requirements must be completed. These additional requirements include, depending on the occupational field, among others: traineeships (at least 12 and no more than 40 weeks), individual practical activities (at least 120 lessons) or supplementary general education. The Regulations on the Recognition of Certificates from Upper Secondary Specialised Schools and guidelines issued by the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK) define the additional requirements for the various occupational fields. A specialised Baccalaureate essay in a selected occupational field must also be completed and presented.
Depending on the selected occupational field, specific additional requirements (e.g. traineeships, individual practical activities, supplementary general education) must be completed. The upper secondary specialised schools are responsible for supervising and assessing these additional requirements in cooperation with the colleges of higher education, the universities of applied sciences or the parties in charge of the traineeships. The Specialised Baccalaureate is obtained if the additional requirements and the specialised Baccalaureate essay are assessed to be at least «sufficient». The Specialised Baccalaureate is recognised throughout Switzerland.