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You are here: Home / Post-compulsory education / Tertiary level / Teacher education and training / Links to further information

Links to further information

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   Title   Size   Modified   State 
Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK): Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung 0 KB Mar 09, 2022 12:21 PM  
EDK: Diplomanerkennung 0 KB Mar 09, 2022 12:21 PM  
Rectors' Conference of the Swiss Universities (swissuniversities): Information on Studies 0 KB Aug 28, 2024 04:28 PM  
State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI): Fachhochschulen und pädagogische Hochschulen 0 KB Mar 09, 2022 12:21 PM  
SERI: Berufsbildungsverantwortliche 0 KB Mar 09, 2022 12:21 PM Pädagogische Hochschulen PH 0 KB Mar 09, 2022 12:21 PM  

Further informations

IDES information and documentation centre
+41 31 309 51 00
